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make arrangements for 意味

"make arrangements for"の例文


  • ~の準備[支度]をする


  • he asked me to make arrangements for his mother ...
    彼の母親にって 頼まれ
  • you don't make arrangements for me , mr . scofield .
    準備なんてしなくていいわ、 ミスター・スコフィールド
  • please make arrangements for the venue and fliers immediately .
    だから大至急 会場の手配と チラシ作り お願いします
  • i just need to make arrangements for a replacement bodyguard .
    交替ボディーガードの手配をしないと インフルエンザの予防接種を受けた?
  • make arrangements for him .
  • she became acquainted with jo niijima , who regularly visited her brother , then left the school and started to make arrangements for the wedding in 1875 , and married him in january of the following 1876 .
  • a new stratum of society , the bushi class arms , also came to make arrangements for schools , being facilities where their juniors could learn; in the kamakura period , sanetoki hojyo established the kanazawa library at kanazawa shomyo-ji temple , (yokohama city; present-day kanazawa ward , yokohama city , kanagawa prefecture ), and collected numerous documents .
    また武家階級という新たな社会層も、自らの後進のために、学問を身につけるための施設、学校の整備に配慮するようになり、鎌倉時代には北条実時が金沢称名寺 (横浜市)(現、神奈川県横浜市金沢区)に金沢文庫を設置し、多くの文書を収集した。
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